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Monday, January 2, 2012

Irish Stew

One of famous Irish cuisine that bcame one of few western food that can make my tounge feel it coz as a asian it's little bit difficult for me to find some meal that familiar with my original taste,maybe u one of irish stew fans also so check this out :

Irish Stew
•2 tbsp vegetable oil
•1 lb/500g mutton or lamb cutlets (bone removed) cut into 2"/5cm chunks
•2lb/ 1 kg potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters
•1 cup/115g onion, roughly chopped
•1 cup/ 100g leeks, cleaned and finely sliced
•1 cup/170g carrots, roughly chopped
•1½ pints / 750 ml dark beef stock
•2 or 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced (optional)
•Salt and Pepper
Heat the oven to 350F or 180C
•In a large frying pan heat half the oil to hot but not smoking. Add half the lamb pieces and brown all over. Remove the lamb and place in a casserole, cover with a half of the potatoes, onions, leeks and carrots.
• Add the remaining oil to the frying pan, heat again then add the remaining lamb and brown all over. Add to the casserole and cover with the remaining vegetables.
•Add the stock, cover with a tight fitting lid, cook in the oven for 1 hour. Add the cabbage (if using) replace the lid and cook for another hour. Check from time to time to make sure the stock isn't reducing too much, if it is add a little boiling water. The meat and vegetables should always be covered by liquid.If the sauce is too runny at the end, cook a little longer with the lid removed. Season with salt and pepper.not so difficult right so why dont u give a try.
"Note :again coz my asian tounge can't stay away from chily hot flavour so I prefer add some of it or some chily powder will do"

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