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Sunday, January 1, 2012


Aslm. greating all finally I got spare time to make my own blog(that i try to do it long2 time b4)maybe it's juz like another blog short of but I learn to make it good u know even can say I'm not kind a IT guys or something I even can finish my C++ course :)but if we have good will anything possible right!well in d next entry maybe I'm gonna use bahasa/English or smthime Dutch(that I still work it out)so maybe litlle bit weird for u all but what can I say that's why I name it mixingknowlegde bcoz it juz mix up aah I know U will understand about it.

U know what for amateur blogger like me having a blog like this is already great enough u know moreover I can make more freind from it(hopefully).btw sorry about my spelling mybe for u guys that hold bachelor degree in English will lough at me if u read it but who cares I'm not English born n i even not go to college so for dude learn by him seft like me I'm not so bad right!honestly I'm not a take writing as my hobby but I like share smthing so I juz do some copy paste for fill it n not to much sharing about my heart juz like what i did now lol, ya mabye I'll write little bit about my journey or anything I feel special n usefull for us all.is 2012 now right on first day of new years I started this n hopely can develop it continuously so if u had time to read mine please give me some advice or positif entry to develop this blog.Thanks for stoping by n keep learning.

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