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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dimana ketekunan dan doa menuai hasil

Dengan nama asli Tukul Riyanto atau dikenal sebagai Tukul Arwana lahir di Perbalan, Purwosari, Semarang, 16 Oktober 1963 Sejak lahir, ia diberi nama Riyanto, bukan Tukul Riyanto seperti yang dikenal sekarang. Merupakan anak dari pasangan Abdul Wahid dan Sutimah (alm.). Karena ia sering sakit, namanya ditambah kata "Tukul" menjadi Tukul Riyanto. Anehnya, setelah namanya diubah demikian, ia menjadi jarang sakit. Ia pun akhirnya akrab dipanggil Tukul. Di usia 5 bulan, Tukul yang sering sakit diasuh oleh tetangganya, Suwandi. Orang tua Tukul, Abdul Wahid dan Sutimah (alm.) yang memiliki empat orang anak rela menyerahkan Tukul, karena Suwandi sangat ingin menjadikan Tukul sebagai anak angkat.

Dengan bakat alaminya, Tukul muda sudah mulai melawak sejak kelas VI SD. Berbagai macam perlombaan lawak, mulai dari tingkat Kotamadya Semarang, Jawa Tengah, DKI, dan Jabotabek, serta tingkat nasional ia coba. Usahanya ini tidak sia-sia. Ia berhasil menjuarai berbagai perlombaan melawak. Setelah lulus SD, putra ketiga dari pasangan Abdul Wahid dan almarhumah Sutimah itu melanjutkan sekolahnya ke SMP Muhammadiyah Indraprasta. Namun, pada saat Tukul duduk di bangku kelas III, orang tua angkatnya, Suwandi mengalami kesulitan ekonomi. Bahkan, rumah yang selama itu ditempatinya harus dijual. Puncaknya, saat menuntut ilmu di SMA Ibu Kartini, Jalan Sultan Agung, Semarang, Tukul mulai kesulitan untuk membayar biaya sekolah. Tukul pun mulai mencari pekerjaan untuk membiayai sekolahnya.

Selepas SMA, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya, selain melawak ia juga pernah bekerja sebagai sopir angkutan (jurusan Johar-Panggung di Semarang). Setelah dua tahun, Tukul berganti pekerjaan menjadi sopir truk gas elpiji di daerah Tanah Mas, Semarang Utara selama dua tahun, sebelum akhirnya kembali menjadi sopir angkutan. Setelah berganti-ganti pekerjaan, Tukul akhirnya memuntuskan untuk hijrah Jakarta atas ajakan temannya Joko Dewo dan Tony Rastafara sekitar tahun 1992. Selama beberapa tahun di Jakarta, nasibnya belum juga berubah.

Di kontrakannya yang terletak di bilangan Blok S Jakarta Selatan, Tukul banyak dibantu Joko Dewo dan Tony Rastafara untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Dalam keadaan ekonomi yang belum berkecukupan, Tukul menikah dengan gadis berdarah Padang bernama Susiana. Ia dikaruniai 2 orang anak perempuan dan laki laki. Perempuan bernama Novita Eka Afriana dan yang kecil bernama Wahyu Jovan Utama. Setelah menikah, Tukul dan keluarganya tinggal di sebuah kontrakan di daerah Cipete Utara. Sampai akhirnya Tukul melamar kerja di Radio Humor SK dan bekerja di sana bersama rekan pelawak yang lain seperti Bagito, Patrio, Ulfa Dwiyanti, dan lain-lain. Sebelumnya, Tukul sempat menjadi sopir pribadi untuk menafkahi keluarganya.
Nasib mujur Tukul semakin membaik ketika ia diajak dalam produksi Lenong Rumpi oleh Ramon Tommybens. Titik balik kariernya pun mencuat ketika menjadi pendamping Joshua di video klip "Air" dengan iKon diobok-obok-nya sekitar tahun 1997. Nama Tukul Arwana semakin melambung ketika dipercayai untuk menjadi pembawa acara acara musik "Aduhai" di TPI serta acara "Dangdut Ria" di Indosiar. Saat ini, namanya kian melesat ketika TV7 (kini Trans7) mempercayakannya menjadi pembawa acara talk show Empat Mata (Kini Bukan Empat Mata). Tukul juga baru saja menyelesaikan syuting film layar lebar pertamanya yang berjudul Otomatis Romantis. Dalam film yang disutradarai Guntur Soehardjanto ini, Tukul berperan sebagai suami Wulan Guritno dalam sebuah rumah tangga yang ada di ujung kehancuran. Tukul dikenal dengan acara Bukan Empat Mata yang dibawakannya. Selain menjadi pelaku hiburan, Tukul juga merintis usaha yang bergerak di bidang hiburan, yang bernama "Ojo Lali Entertainment". suka makan mie ayam mbok darmi. Nama "Arwana" diberikan oleh rekannya, Tony Rastafara agar Tukul bisa menjadi orang kaya, karena ikan arwana banyak dipelihara orang kaya, sehingga menjadi Tukul Arwana
long time not touching my blog n suddenly when i googling to find a cure for my cake recipe i had an idea to release it in my own blog.dont where it came from but like a strom in silent night im bcame so eager to make some snack(cake or else)kind a serious ha so next time ill make it ones(success or not)ill tell d whole story :). after searching several tips n many kind of bakery recipe i juz got one conclusion "die tryin" coz if only theory nothing n i dont wanna shared some lie to u all.d point is do it d best n if fail do it more n more,ya im cooking sometime but for cake or pastry thing is zero for me realy realy amateur,d only fancy pastry things i ever did is making pancake(instanly)how cool is that lol.okay plan already set up n guess need more preparation n discuss little bit w my wife for d budget n else we'll c what happen next :). coz another two month i'll b at home n if everything going juz fine i'll try to make as much cake as i can n put all recipe i gain in realyty :D.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

stick fight

This like kind a memory i saw again coz i have ones like this in my first camera phone of coz VGA ones n still very..very..very simple format :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Irish Stew

One of famous Irish cuisine that bcame one of few western food that can make my tounge feel it coz as a asian it's little bit difficult for me to find some meal that familiar with my original taste,maybe u one of irish stew fans also so check this out :

Irish Stew
•2 tbsp vegetable oil
•1 lb/500g mutton or lamb cutlets (bone removed) cut into 2"/5cm chunks
•2lb/ 1 kg potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters
•1 cup/115g onion, roughly chopped
•1 cup/ 100g leeks, cleaned and finely sliced
•1 cup/170g carrots, roughly chopped
•1½ pints / 750 ml dark beef stock
•2 or 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced (optional)
•Salt and Pepper
Heat the oven to 350F or 180C
•In a large frying pan heat half the oil to hot but not smoking. Add half the lamb pieces and brown all over. Remove the lamb and place in a casserole, cover with a half of the potatoes, onions, leeks and carrots.
• Add the remaining oil to the frying pan, heat again then add the remaining lamb and brown all over. Add to the casserole and cover with the remaining vegetables.
•Add the stock, cover with a tight fitting lid, cook in the oven for 1 hour. Add the cabbage (if using) replace the lid and cook for another hour. Check from time to time to make sure the stock isn't reducing too much, if it is add a little boiling water. The meat and vegetables should always be covered by liquid.If the sauce is too runny at the end, cook a little longer with the lid removed. Season with salt and pepper.not so difficult right so why dont u give a try.
"Note :again coz my asian tounge can't stay away from chily hot flavour so I prefer add some of it or some chily powder will do"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jean yves Rollerman

it's juz amazing look like transformer..so cool but definitly not my sport coz I can't wonder how it stop :D

Simon Stevin

Simon Stevin was born in Bruges (Belgium) in 1548. He was an illegitimate child so he was raised by his mother, Cathelijne van der Poort. His father’s name was Antheunis Stevin. There isn’t much known about the youth of Simon. All we know is that he studied Latin and Greek and that he had a strong aptitude for maths and science. He translated his name into Latin: Simon Stevinius Brugensis.First he was a bookkeeper in Antwerp where he practised the double-entry bookkeeping fashioned after the method introduced by Pacioli in Italy almost a century earlier. Later he was a clerk in the tax office in Bruges.

He travelled to Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, Norway. Finally in 1580 he arrived in Leiden. While quartermaster in the Dutch army, Stevin invented a way of flooding the lowlands in the path of an invading army by opening selected sluices in dikes. He was an outstanding engineer who built windmills, locks and ports. He advised the Prince Maurice of Nassau on building fortifications for the war against Spain. To remind their victory against Spain, the prince founded a university at Leiden. In 1583 Simon Stevin went to that university where he studied science and maths. At the same time Prince Maurice of Nassau was studying there. He noticed that Stevin was a very intelligent man.

In 1592 Prince Maurice asked Stevin to come to The Hague for being his teacher. This was the beginning of a strong friendship. Stevin became not only the Prince’s mathematical and scientific tutor but also his military adviser who received a very important position in the Dutch army.

Stevin wrote a text-book, called "Wisconstige gedachtenissen"(mathematical memories), on all the mathematical and scientific subjects in which the prince was interested. Although Stevin was a great admirer of the theoretical treatises of Archimedes, there runs through the 11 books of this Flemish engineer a strain practicality that is more characteristic of the Renaissance period than the classical antiquity. In each of his books his iventiveness was evident, for each of his texts contained some innovation or improvement introduced by him.

Convinced that the Dutch language was excellently suited to scientific purposes, and that moreover the use of the Dutch language in science would contribute to the greatness of the nation, he wrote many of his works in Dutch, enriching the language with words of his own invention. In 1600, at the request of Prince Maurice, he directed the organization of a school of engineering at the University of Leyden, where Dutch, rather than Latin, was the language of instruction.

In 1608, when he was 60, he married and got 4 children. He died in 1620 at the age of 72, probably because of the riots between the Catholics and the Protestants. Himself he was a tolerant Catholic who was converted to a Protestant.

In Bruges, you can visit the Scientific Institute Simon Stevin and on the Simon Stevin square you'll find his statue.

1582: "Tafelen van interest midtsgaders de constructie der selver"; the oldest published book about calculations of interest.

1585: "De Thiende, leerende door ongehoorde lichticheyt allen rekeningen afveerdighen door heele ghetalen zonder ghebrokenen."Þ Contributions for general use of the system of decimal fractions. This work, by far of greatest importance, contained a complete decimal system consistently applied to integers and fractions. Stevin was in no sense the inventor of decimal fractions but he did introduce their use in maths demonstrating the simplicity, feasibility and advantage of the system in full, addressing himself to astronomers, surveyors, bankers and merchants. He did not write his decimal expressions with denominators ; instead, in a circle above or after each digit he wrote the power of ten assumed as a divisor. So instead of the words "tenth", "hundredth" and so on he used "prime", "second" etc.

Thus the value of pi, approximately, appeared as 3€ 1 4‚ 1ƒ 6„

In 1617 in the "Rhabdologia", the Scottish mathematician Napier referred to Stevin's arithmetic and proposed a point or a comma as the decimal separatrix. At the close of "De Thiende" Stevin added a plea for the application of the decimal system to all weights and measures and to coinage. "De Thiende", written originally in Dutch was also published in the same year in French "La Disme". An English translation by Robert Norton was printed in 1608.
1586 : "De beghinselen der weeghconst",
theory about the balance of figures on a sloped field.

1590 : "Het burgherlick leven", how to behave in society
He was the first who developed the theory about the parallelogram of forces

He discovered the hydrostatic paradox, precursor of Pascal's law.

Together with Johan Hugo de Groot, he did tests about the free fall. With those tests they proved the inaccuracy of Aristoteles who thought wrongly that the heaviest bodies fall fastest.

His book "Wisconstighe ghedachtenissen" deals with:

geometrical problems
science of perspective
art of navigation
Stevin used in his book "Stelreghel", meaning Algebra, the notation +,- and Ö . Where necessary he introduced new Dutch words like "wiskunde": mathematics in Dutch, meetkunde (geometry) , stelkunde (algebra), evenredig (proportional), evenwicht(balance), evenwijdig(parallel), reden(reason), omtrek(perimeter),...

He also invented "a sailing car". With this sailing car he reached at the beach of Scheveningen , with 25 passengers and a favourable wind, a speed of 35 km/h.

Note : His name use as a name of one of Jan de Nul ship for respecting his talent and his meritorious service to Belgium.

Bermuda Triangle

Who didn't know about Bermuda Triangle maybe this region is the most popular mystical area in the world.imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States of America, which is noted for a supposedly high incidence of unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft. The apexes of the triangle are generally believed to be Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The US Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name. The US Navy does not believe the Bermuda Triangle exists. It is reported that Lloyd's of London, the world's leading market for specialist insurance, does not charge higher premiums for vessels transiting this heavily traveled area.

The most famous US Navy losses which have occurred in the area popularly known as the Bermuda Triangle are USS Cyclops in March 1918 and the aircraft of Flight 19 in December 1945. The ship probably sank in an unexpected storm, and the aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean -- no physical traces of them have ever been found. Another well known disappearance is the civilian tanker SS Marine Sulphur Queen carrying bulk molten sulfur which sank in February 1963. Although the wreck of Marine Sulphur Queen has not been located, a life preserver and other floating artifacts were recovered. These disappearances have been used to provide credence to the popular belief in the mystery and purported supernatural qualities of the "Bermuda Triangle."

Since the days of early civilization many thousands of ships have sunk and/or disappeared in waters around the world due to navigational and other human errors, storms, piracy, fires, and structural/mechanical failures. Aircraft are subject to the same problems, and many of them have crashed at sea around the globe. Often, there were no living witnesses to the sinking or crash, and hence the exact cause of the loss and the location of the lost ship or aircraft are unknown. A large number of pleasure boats travel the waters between Florida and the Bahamas. All too often, crossings are attempted with too small a boat, insufficient knowledge of the area's hazards, and a lack of good seamanship.

To see how common accidents are at sea, you can examine some of the recent accident reports of the National Transportation Safety Board for ships and aircraft. One of the aircraft accident reports concerns an in-flight engine failure and subsequent ditching of a Cessna aircraft near Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas on 13 July 2003. This is the type of accident that would likely have been attributed to mysterious causes in the Bermuda Triangle if there had been no survivors or other eyewitnesses of the crash.

A significant factor with regard to missing vessels in the Bermuda Triangle is a strong ocean current called the Gulf Stream. It is extremely swift and turbulent and can quickly erase evidence of a disaster. The weather also plays its role. Prior to the development of telegraph, radio and radar, sailors did not know a storm or hurricane was nearby until it appeared on the horizon. For example, the Continental Navy sloop Saratoga was lost off the Bahamas in such a storm with all her crew on 18 March 1781. Many other US Navy ships have been lost at sea in storms around the world. Sudden local thunder storms and water spouts can sometimes spell disaster for mariners and air crews. Finally, the topography of the ocean floor varies from extensive shoals around the islands to some of the deepest marine trenches in the world. With the interaction of the strong currents over the many reefs the topography of the ocean bottom is in a state of flux and the development of new navigational hazards can sometimes be swift.
The "Bermuda Triangle" or "Devil's Triangle" is an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States of America, which is noted for a supposedly high incidence of unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft. The apexes of the triangle are generally believed to be Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The US Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name. The US Navy does not believe the Bermuda Triangle exists. It is reported that Lloyd's of London, the world's leading market for specialist insurance, does not charge higher premiums for vessels transiting this heavily traveled area.

The most famous US Navy losses which have occurred in the area popularly known as the Bermuda Triangle are USS Cyclops in March 1918 and the aircraft of Flight 19 in December 1945. The ship probably sank in an unexpected storm, and the aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean -- no physical traces of them have ever been found. Another well known disappearance is the civilian tanker SS Marine Sulphur Queen carrying bulk molten sulfur which sank in February 1963. Although the wreck of Marine Sulphur Queen has not been located, a life preserver and other floating artifacts were recovered. These disappearances have been used to provide credence to the popular belief in the mystery and purported supernatural qualities of the "Bermuda Triangle."

Since the days of early civilization many thousands of ships have sunk and/or disappeared in waters around the world due to navigational and other human errors, storms, piracy, fires, and structural/mechanical failures. Aircraft are subject to the same problems, and many of them have crashed at sea around the globe. Often, there were no living witnesses to the sinking or crash, and hence the exact cause of the loss and the location of the lost ship or aircraft are unknown. A large number of pleasure boats travel the waters between Florida and the Bahamas. All too often, crossings are attempted with too small a boat, insufficient knowledge of the area's hazards, and a lack of good seamanship.

To see how common accidents are at sea, you can examine some of the recent accident reports of the National Transportation Safety Board for ships and aircraft. One of the aircraft accident reports concerns an in-flight engine failure and subsequent ditching of a Cessna aircraft near Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas on 13 July 2003. This is the type of accident that would likely have been attributed to mysterious causes in the Bermuda Triangle if there had been no survivors or other eyewitnesses of the crash.

A significant factor with regard to missing vessels in the Bermuda Triangle is a strong ocean current called the Gulf Stream. It is extremely swift and turbulent and can quickly erase evidence of a disaster. The weather also plays its role. Prior to the development of telegraph, radio and radar, sailors did not know a storm or hurricane was nearby until it appeared on the horizon. For example, the Continental Navy sloop Saratoga was lost off the Bahamas in such a storm with all her crew on 18 March 1781. Many other US Navy ships have been lost at sea in storms around the world. Sudden local thunder storms and water spouts can sometimes spell disaster for mariners and air crews. Finally, the topography of the ocean floor varies from extensive shoals around the islands to some of the deepest marine trenches in the world. With the interaction of the strong currents over the many reefs the topography of the ocean bottom is in a state of flux and the development of new navigational hazards can sometimes be swift.

It has been inaccurately claimed that the Bermuda Triangle is one of the two places on earth at which a magnetic compass points towards true north. Normally a compass will point toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as 60 degrees at various locations around the World. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, navigators can find themselves far off course and in deep trouble. Although in the past this compass variation did affect the "Bermuda Triangle" region, due to fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field this has apparently not been the case since the nineteenth century.

Wisdom : many thing happen in this world that we can't describe n many time that things bring us to long debate about what happen.some say this n some say the opposite it's all up to u but one thing that we must remember is that anything happen or existence of creature is got they own goal(I'm perfectly sure about it).God never do useless thing!!